Simple User Defined Function and passing One Dimensional Array 1. Write a user defined function to calculate simple interest. 2. Write a user defined function to interchange two character values. 3. Write a user defined function to sort one dimensional integer array. 4. Write a user define function to check whether inputted strings are anagram or not. 5. Write two user defined functions to find minimum and maximum from an array. 6. Write a menu driven program to calculate factorial of a number or print Fibonacci series using recursion. 7. Write a menu driven program to implement calculator using user defined functions. 8. Write a user defined function to find whether a given character is present in given string or not. 9. Write a user defined function to add two 1D array into third array. Two Dimensional Array 1. Write a program to obtain transpose of 3x3 matrix using user defined function. 2. Write a user defined function to add two 2D array into third array. 3. Write a user defined function to search a string from the list of five strings.(Hint: Pass 2D character array and 1D search string as an argument) 4. Write a user defined function to sort list of Strings. 5. Write a user defined function to check whether inputted string is palindrome or not.

Structure and Union 1. Create a structure time_struct with data members hour, minutes and seconds. Create a C program to initialize the structure and display the time in following format hh : mm : ss Also display time in terms of seconds. 2. Create a structure student having data memberrollno, name and array of three subject marks. Write a program to list the name of students who have failed in any one of the subject. (Failing Criteria: Marks < 35) 3. Create a structure bookbank having data membersbook_isbn_no, book_name, number of pages. Write a function to sort the structure book_name wise. 4. Write a C program to print country wise list of all players for structure having data elements player name, country name and average, using user defined function. 5. Create a structure population having data elements as name of city and nest another structure indicating number of male and female residents living in the city. Use typedef to rename the structure and write a function to return a structure having highest number of female residents to print city name. 6. Create a union of a student having rollno, name and age. Write a program to print these details.
Structure and Union
1. Create a structure time_struct with data members hour, minutes and seconds. Create a C program to initialize the structure and display the time in following format
hh : mm : ss
Also display time in terms of seconds.
2. Create a structure student having data memberrollno, name and array of three subject marks. Write a program to list the name of students who have failed in any one of the subject. (Failing Criteria: Marks < 35)
3. Create a structure bookbank having data membersbook_isbn_no, book_name, number of pages. Write a function to sort the structure book_name wise.
4. Write a C program to print country wise list of all players for structure having data elements player name, country name and average, using user defined function.
5. Create a structure population having data elements as name of city and nest another structure indicating number of male and female residents living in the city. Use typedef to rename the structure and write a function to return a structure having highest number of female residents to print city name.
6. Create a union of a student having rollno, name and age. Write a program to print these details.
Pointers 1. Write a program using pointers to read an integer array and print its elements in reverse order. 2. Write a function to swap two values using pointers. 3. Write a program to read a string and find whether the string is palindrome or not using pointers. 4. Write a function to take input of two arrays and merge them in sorted order. Return the sorted array to main function. 5. Using pointers, write a function that receives a string and character as argument and deletes all occurrences of this character from string. The function should return the corrected string with no holes. 6. Write a C program to count number of words, digits, vowels and convert upper case to lower case and lower case to upper case using pointers. 7. Create structure player having data elements player name, country name and average and print the player with highest average using pointers. 8. Write a program to create pointer to function for multiplication table. 9. Write a program to create pointer to function to calculate area of square and circle.
1. Write a program using pointers to read an integer array and print its elements in reverse order.
2. Write a function to swap two values using pointers.
3. Write a program to read a string and find whether the string is palindrome or not using pointers.
4. Write a function to take input of two arrays and merge them in sorted order. Return the sorted array to main function.
5. Using pointers, write a function that receives a string and character as argument and deletes all occurrences of this character from string. The function should return the corrected string with no holes.
6. Write a C program to count number of words, digits, vowels and convert upper case to lower case and lower case to upper case using pointers.
7. Create structure player having data elements player name, country name and average and print the player with highest average using pointers.
8. Write a program to create pointer to function for multiplication table.
9. Write a program to create pointer to function to calculate area of square and circle.
File Management1. Write a C program to read file and count total number of characters, spaces, tab, digits, words and special symbols. Write the output in another file. 2. Write a C program to write integer numbers to a file and read these numbers and write odd number in “ODD” file and even number in “EVEN” file. 3. Write a C program to write series of integer numbers to a file and read them to write palindrome numbers in another file. 4. Write a C program to create a structure student with members roll no, name and marks. Write the details of 5 students in filename “student.txt” and again read the file and sort data according to marks and put the sorted data in another file. 5. Write a program to read the content of file and print in reverse order. 6. Write a command line program to input 5 strings and a search string (total 8 arguments) to write 5 strings in file and check whether the search string is present in file or not. player name, country name and average and print the player with highest average using pointers. 8. Write a program to create pointer to function for multiplication table. 9. Write a program to create pointer to function to calculate area of square and circle.
8. Write a program to create pointer to function for multiplication table.
9. Write a program to create pointer to function to calculate area of square and circle.