Image of RDBMS


  1.  RDBMS means relational database management system which is based on relational model.
  2.  Which follow the rules of codd’slaw.
  3.  RDBMS to store and access the data from the related table.

DBMS                                                            RDBMS
1.  Fields                    ===                            Column and Attribute
2.  Record                  ===                             Row, Entity ,Tuple
3.  File                       ===                            able, Relation and Entity class.
The Rules of codd’s law. 
Rule 1: The information rule: All information in the database must be represented in one and only one
way (that is, as values in a table). 
Rule 2: The guaranteed access rule: All data should be  logically accessible  through a combination of
table name, primary key value and column name. 
Rule 3: Systematic treatment of null values: A DBMS must support Null Values to represent missing
information and inapplicable information in a systematic manner independent of data types. 

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