PHP Assignment -3

1 Write PHP script to show database along with tables which is available  In
MYSQL database
Write a PHP script to for Country, State and City Dropdown list Dynamically.
:-Show State and city for appropriate Selected Country.
Write a PHP  script to create database and table.
Write a PHP script for LOGIN page with SIGNUP,Change Password
functionality and all validations.
Write a PHP script to fill the combo box from mysql database.
Write a PHP script to find second highest value from a table.
Write a PHP script to upload single file with restriction(Image file) and save
into UPLOAD folder.
Write a PHP script that take exam No., Name, Course, City, and 2
favorite color of the user as an input on input.php page, save all data in
database and display this information and set the favorite colors of user as
foreground and background color on details.php page (Provide Validation)
Write a PHP script that accepts roll_no, hobby (using checkbox), subject (using
combo box) and store it in table. Use appropriate validations. Display record
for given roll_no.
Accept account number,select transaction type(deposite,withdraw)and amount.
Perform the transaction depending on the balance available in the
account.provide appropriate message and design record in
table.provide appropriate validations.
Create a PHP Script which asks for user to enter some random string. Use the
appropriate String functions to display the following operation on the input
1. Count number of Characters in the string
2. Breaking down a string into an array
3. Reverse the string
4. Convert all alphabetic characters in string to their lower case form.
5. Convert all alphabetic characters in string to their upper case form.
6. Declare a substring and replace the content of substring into original string.
Develop PHP wesite for “Gift article shop” with following functionality.
USE following tables
SHOW following option:
Before using site,user will first login the site,if user is not registered
user,display the signup page.
Admin can add,edit and delete the user and product
Display greeting messge based on current time(Good morning,good
afternoon,good evening)
On successful registration of user display the products available.
Provide appropriate validation.
Put sign out functionality.