Google Chrome

1. To open Chrome’s built-in task manager: Press Shift + Esc. Extremely useful when Chrome freezes.
2. To remove specific suggestion: Select the suggestion, then press Shift + Delete. Go and delete your
how to shave my embarrassing searches now.
3. To drag multiple tabs to a new window: Press Ctrl + Click on tabs you want to move. Do the same to move multiple tabs to an existing window.
4. To scroll horizontally: Press Shift + Scroll.

Any Browsers

5. To access your address bar directly: Press F6 or Ctrl + L.
6. To access blocked web page: Go to Google Translate, paste the URL, select source language as other language, select destination language as the web page’s language, click Translate. Free web proxy.
7. To close a tab: Middle click on it.
8. To view articles with slideshows or multiple pages: Press Print or Ctrl + P.
9. To open all web pages of a bookmark folder: Middle click on the folder.
10. To reset to the default Window size of your web page after zooming: Press Ctrl0.
11. To highlight text in a web page:  Click on the starting point, then press ShiftClick on the ending point. No more mouse dragging especially long text highlights.


12. To open Task Manager directly with one hand: Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc. You’re welcome.
13. To freeze Task Manager: Hold Ctrl key. Useful for inspecting specific processes.
14. To delete one word at a time: Press Ctrl + Backspace.
15. To open applications on the taskbar: Press Windows key + Sequence numberof the application. Do the same to minimize/maximize it.
16. To paste text without formatting: Press Ctrl + Shift + V.
17. To rename a file: Press F2. Works for multiple file too, which will append “(1), (2), etc.” at the end.